Easy Tips to Prevent Acne At season Drought

Easy Tips to Prevent Acne At season Drought
One of skin problems avoided by many people is acne. yes, the appearance of acne, especially on the face, can make a woman or a man feel insecure. Not only no, another issue that is very disturbing is that scar, very difficult to remove.

Especially during the dry season like now, if you have sensitive skin, heat and pollution could be a major trigger the appearance of acne on your skin. Then, how do I avoid it? Relax, you can do some simple tips to prevent the appearance of acne during the dry season as follows:

A. Remove makeup correctly, especially before going to bed by using a face wash made from  salicylic.

B. After work, immediately wash the face. Do not wait more sweat and oil soiling your face.

C. Do not rub the face while washing your face because it can cause skin irritation.

D. When your hands dirty, do not touch your face too often.

E. Avoid exposure to the sun can make skin dull and can trigger acne.

F. Apply anti acne mask on your face once a week.

G. Dandruff can also trigger the appearance of acne on your forehead. If necessary, use an anti-dandruff shampoo for dandruff you.

H. To prevent the appearance of acne on his back with sweat, avoid tight clothing and also the use of multi - layered.

Those are some easy tips to prevent the appearance of acne during the dry season. Try to do all the above tips so that you avoid irritating the acne problem. Hope it is useful.

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