Drink Yakult benefits for the body

Yakult benefits for the body - Yakult is a fermented milk drink, which is made by fermenting skim milk powder containing live lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota.

the late Dr. Minoru Shirota, Yakult company's founder, has succeeded in culturing different types of lactic acid bacteria and choose one type of bacteria that are most resistant to digestive juices.

Dr. Minoru Shirota also strengthen it so that it becomes a new strain that is superior. Therefore, in contrast to other bacteria, these bacteria can conquer a variety of physiological barriers such as gastric acid and bile so that it can reach and survive in the human gut.
Of these bacteria in the intestine help improve our health by activating immune cells, increasing the amount of useful bacteria, and reduce the amount of harmful bacteria.

Drink Yakult benefits for the body:

By consuming Yakult daily mean we incorporate at least 6.5 billion Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota life into our intestines.
Our gut play an important role in our health. Even the process of aging starts from the intestine. Because it is important in maintaining health is to maintain intestinal health.
Benefits Yakult is located on the bacteria which can live up to our gut bacteria because it can provide benefits such as:

  •  Can Prevent indigestion
  •  Can Increase endurance
  •  Can Increase the number of useful bacteria in the intestine
  • Can Reduce toxins in the gut
  • Limit the amount of harmful bacteria in the gut.

Yakult = probiotics

History of improving health through probiotics.
In the 20th century medical science notes that an important development with the discovery of antibiotics. But it turns out this century was also characterized by the problems of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. In other words that the disease diseases related to lifestyle can not be cured with drugs but rather through lifestyle improvements. This makes the 21st century a century in which preventive treatments become the focus of attention.

Is that probiotics?

Probiotics comes from the word PROBIO, which in the biological sciences means for life.
Probiotics are foods containing live microorganisms that actively promote health by improving the balance of intestinal flora alive when consumed in adequate amounts (Fuller, 1989).
Therefore, to be called probiotics, the bacteria must have the following requirements:

  •  proven safe for humans.
  • can reach the intestines alive
  • proved beneficial
  • Yakult bacteria proved to meet these requirements through various researches.

Yakult is the pioneer of probiotics

Because of his commitment to the field of preventive medicine, Dr. Minoru Shirota tried to examine the use of microorganisms to prevent disease in the microbiology laboratory of Kyoto Imperial University, School of Medicine.

In 1930, these efforts make it the first in the world to successfully create a new strain of Lactobacillus casei superior, can pass through the stomach acid and bile, capable of reaching the intestine alive so useful for preventing health problems. These bacteria called Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain. Even though it was less preventive medicine to the attention of health experts, but Dr. Shirota always stressed that prevention is better than cure, he also conveys the idea of ​​preventing indigestion and keep the gut healthy is the key to a healthy life and longevity.

After the success of his discovery, Dr. Shirota creating a fermented milk drink containing Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota life called Yakult.
Dr. Shirota aspire for the benefits of Yakult can be affordable by all segments of society in the world. Because the addition is made at affordable prices, since 1964 Yakult began to be produced and marketed in Taiwan, then other Asian countries, Australia and marketed in Europe in the 1990s.

Although initially only underestimated by experts in Europe, but after the benefits can be felt, attention to Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota increases. Probiotikpun term became popular especially after the media interested by the results of cooperation between Yakult with universities in Europe.

Since then the world kesehatanpun turned to the concept of disease prevention through regular consumption of probiotics and health improvement with probiotics is done every day by 25 million people in 27 countries around the world.

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