Soursop Leaf For Health Benefits

For Health Benefits of Soursop Leaf - you know ?, yes Soursop leaf leaves fruit "Soursop" or in my place / in Java often called "Jackfruit Sabrang". Soursop fruit is a fruit whose skin is prickly and therein seeded with sweet little sour taste. This time I will share about the benefits or efficacy leaves Soursop fruit for health.

Soursop fruit has the Latin name "Annona muricata L" with the color green fruit with prickly skin surface. Soursop fruit including home-based fruit like guava fruit because it usually grows in the yard around us. Soursop fruit leaves proved to have benefits and efficacy has been proven decades ago by our ancestors in this archipelago.

The following are some of the benefits and efficacy leaves Soursop fruit for our health:

Soursop Leaf For Health Benefits

1. Can treat cancer diseases

Soursop leaf health benefits for the body has been known since many years ago, but recently just for the health benefits of soursop leaves this body hum heard in parts of Indonesia. Benefits of soursop leaves the main thing is to prevent cancer. According to the study soursop leaves have the power spuluh thousand times more powerful in treating cancer when compared with treatment with chemotherapy.

Benefits of soursop leaves is apparently derived from a compound contained in the leaves of the soursop fruit itself, useful compounds are named Acetoginin which is a collection of compounds bulatacin, asimisin and squamosin. Acetoginin compound is what can help eradicate the disease and boost immunity.

Some references that I have ever read on the internet about the benefits of soursop leaves for cancer treatment include treatments for breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. The compounds contained in the leaves of the soursop work selectively in cancer treatment, so that an alternative use for the treatment of cancer soursop leaves is more secure because it is not going to damage and kill healthy cells in the body.

2. Can treat lumbago

Not only deadly serious diseases such as cancer that could be treated by taking advantage of this soursop leaves, ailments such as pain in the waist caused by many things can be treated with therapy soursop leaves. It is very easy to take 20 soursop leaves and clean it up and then boiled with boiling water as much as 5 glasses, let it remains only about 3 cups of water, separate the soursop leaf decoction with water by means of the filter. Then the drinking water with the result that filter regularly.

3.Can treat diseases Uric Acid

Other benefits of soursop leaves is to treat gout. Uric acid which is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood, or commonly called hyperuricemia can also be cured by eating the leaves of the soursop processed. Processed so good it leaves of the soursop soursop leaf tea or capsules soursop leaves you can try to ease gout disease that you are suffering. Or you can take advantage of soursop leaves with how to process itself, it is very easy Pluck the strings skillfully old soursop leaves and dark green as much as 6-10 pieces then wash with clean water and then cut into small pieces in order to extract the soursop leaves completely out , After it boiled with 2 cups of water, wait until boiling and separate soursop leaves with water. Drink water processed from the leaves of the soursop on a regular basis so that the benefits of soursop leaves can immediately feel.

4. Treating Diarrhea in Infants
Diarrhea in infants often make parents especially mothers to be confused. Fortunately, if you are having a baby does not accidentally stop at this blog because we will divulge the amazing secret of soursop that can cope with diarrhea in infants. Way, take soursop juice given to infants 3 -4 times a day.

5. Overcoming Piles
The most annoying disease that never existed. Often experienced by women, for some reason why but clearly now no longer have to worry because I fix this quite easily. Soursop drink one glass of water morning and afternoon will complete your hemorrhoid niscara. If pain persists get medical attention.

6. Eliminate the boil
Boils are one skin disorder is a scourge in addition to pain, it boils appeared not know the place. The body could be also the face, now the most troublesome when the emergence in the face because it could interfere with beauty. To overcome grab seven young soursop leaf paste on the boil until it dries.

7. Overcome seasonal disease
Colds are one contok seasonal diseases caused by declining immunity. Influenza can not be destroyed in the body, this virus can only weaken his ability. Which can weaken the immune system is the body. Therefore, if it arrives - we arrived flu disease was a sign of our immune decline. What to do with soursop leaf? Turns leaves can boost immunity naturally so that it can be used to overcome the disease colds.

8. Overcoming Muscle Pain
Ever see the commercials topical medication to cope with muscle pain? Who have a television at home must have seen the ad. It turns out that pounded soursop leaves have the same efficacy with the topical medication. The trick, mashed soursop leaves stick to the painful, it berangsung pain will disappear.

That's some of the benefits of soursop leaf which turned out to be treating some diseases in tubh us. Actually there are many more benefits of soursop leaves for our health.

Here are some other benefits of soursop leaves:

  • lowering blood sugar levels
  • lowers high blood pressure
  • inhibit bacterial growth
  • healthy heart
  • inhibit the development of parasite
  • merileksasi the muscles in the body
  • anti-seizure drugs
  • inhibits the development of virus in the body

Really very helpful leaves Soursop fruit is yes. If in your yard seiitar Soursop tree then treat well, because it contains properties Soursop leaves so much. Hopefully, the above article is useful for your health.

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