Food Lowering Blood Pressure
Food Lowering Blood Pressure. Hypertension or high blood pressure is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries. Abnormal pressure can lead to increased risk of heart failure, stroke, aneurysm, kidney damage and heart attacks. In general hipertemnsi is a condition whose symptoms are not visible. When the examination will be obtained two blood pressure numbers. Higher numbers dieproleh when the heart contracts and lower figures obtained by the heart when relaxation. Blood pressure is written as systolic pressure diastolic pressure slashes. Suppose 120/80 mmHg, then we can read one hundred and twenty-eight per eighty. It said high blood pressure if at the time sitting systolic blood pressure reaches 140 mmHg, when the diastolic pressure was 90 mm Hg or more, or kedianya. Blood pressure is also affected by physical activity, which increases blood pressure while doing the activity and decreased the time to rest, you need a high blood pressure-lowering medication if your blood pressure suddenly rose and endanger health.
Everyone's blood pressure varies, in infants and children normally have much lower blood pressure than adults. With age will rise in blood pressure, systolic pressure increases until reaching 80 years of age and diastolic pressures continue to increase until the age of 55-60 years, then decline slowly. In isolated systolic hypertension, systolic pressure mencapai140 mmHg, but the pressure less than 90 mmHg. Severe hypertension is malignant hypertension, which if not treated within 3-6 months can result in death.
Approximately 90% of hypertensive patients the cause is almost unknown. One reason is the possibility of changes in the heart and blood vessels which together result in increased blood pressure. Most patients with hypertension caused by health impaired renal or kidney disease, hormonal disorders, active lifestyle even alcohol and salt intake is too high. Symptoms in people with high blood pressure are dizziness, bleeding in the nose, headache, facial flushing and fatigue. If high blood pressure is not treated immediately it will result in a view become blurred because of the damage to the brain, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, eyes, heart and kidneys.
To deal with hypertension, there are some foods that can lower high blood pressure in your body, natural foods that could be lowering your blood pressure hypertension in order to get back to normal, and the good news is the use of these herbal remedies do not have side effects such as drug use in general , The following foods lowering high blood pressure for patients with hypertension.
Food Lowering Blood Pressure
Everyone's blood pressure varies, in infants and children normally have much lower blood pressure than adults. With age will rise in blood pressure, systolic pressure increases until reaching 80 years of age and diastolic pressures continue to increase until the age of 55-60 years, then decline slowly. In isolated systolic hypertension, systolic pressure mencapai140 mmHg, but the pressure less than 90 mmHg. Severe hypertension is malignant hypertension, which if not treated within 3-6 months can result in death.
Approximately 90% of hypertensive patients the cause is almost unknown. One reason is the possibility of changes in the heart and blood vessels which together result in increased blood pressure. Most patients with hypertension caused by health impaired renal or kidney disease, hormonal disorders, active lifestyle even alcohol and salt intake is too high. Symptoms in people with high blood pressure are dizziness, bleeding in the nose, headache, facial flushing and fatigue. If high blood pressure is not treated immediately it will result in a view become blurred because of the damage to the brain, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, eyes, heart and kidneys.
To deal with hypertension, there are some foods that can lower high blood pressure in your body, natural foods that could be lowering your blood pressure hypertension in order to get back to normal, and the good news is the use of these herbal remedies do not have side effects such as drug use in general , The following foods lowering high blood pressure for patients with hypertension.
Food Lowering Blood Pressure
1. Avocado
The benefits of avocados as a nutrient-rich fruit that is capable of being food lowering high blood pressure. This is because in a single avocado are oleic acid, oleic acid is a single type of unsaturated fat. In this single oleic acid are high in antioxidants zar which serves to lower bad cholesterol, so it is good to be consumed for patients with hypertension.
2. Garlic
It turns into a clove of garlic there are many compounds that could be lowering high blood pressure, one of which is a substance suspected of magnesium and phosphorus can lower high blood pressure. Namu for you who will undergo surgery are advised not to consume garlic in large quantities, this is because garlic has properties of blood.
3. Celery
Almost the same as purih onions, celery is one of the foods that empunyai lowering high blood pungent smell and has some healing properties for people with hypertension. On the content of celery are called psoralen that serves counteracting free radicals, besides celery contains magnesium and phosphorus are very good for lowering high blood levels.
4. Cincau
If discuss some grass jelly, surely people will think about the fresh drinks served when cold. Not only as a thirst-quenching, grass jelly is one of the high blood loss diet is rich in benefits. In the grass jelly leaf there are some substances that serve to lower high blood levels such as Vitamin B and calcium, phosphorus.
5. Cucumber
Cucumber or cucumber is a vegetable that has some vitamins as lowering high blood pressure. Cucumber contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium and many more. The amount of content contained in cucumber makes cucumbers into a high blood loss diet effective for all people can easily consume these vegetables.
6. Papaya
Orange fruit is referred to as high blood pressure-lowering foods. It is not because papaya is a fruit rich in vitamins and other nutritional content which is beneficial to reduce hypertension in the blood, the contents in papaya such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K and calcium can be a deterrent hypertension.
That's some food and fruit lowering high blood you can consume suapaya blood pressure in your body to be normal and stable, so will make your body become healthier because they have normal blood pressure.
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