Pap smear prevent cancer

EVERY minute, a woman diagnosed for cervical cancer in the world. Cervical cancer or cervical cancer can cause the entire uterus removed and cause the woman can not be pregnant anymore.

Even the delayed detection can be life-threatening due to the severity of the cancer which is the second highest killer of women in Malaysia after breast cancer!

Cervical cancer can happen to any woman ever have sex even once no matter the age and lifestyle as it is caused by human papillomavirus infection (HPV) during intimate contact.

Ironically, cervical cancer can be prevented with early detection through pap smear but women give a thousand and one excuses to avoid doing the test that could save this life.

Shame among their main reasons. For them, belly and show the private parts in front of the doctor in conscious is something that is very embarrassing.

Some even imagine the doctor inserts act like a spatula tool uterine wall then dig them as something very painful and then choose to submit only the likelihood of developing cervical cancer.

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Prince Court Medical Centre, Dr. Paul Tay Yee Siang said Malaysians still lack awareness about the importance of doing a pap smear on the ground such as shame and fear.

"Some feel they are too young to get cancer when it has no regard to age and test it also helps to save lives because it can detect the abnormal tissue or infected with HPV and the potential to become cancerous from the beginning.

"HPV is a virus that is common and after it is detected through pap smear, it can be cured with regular treatments to prevent it getting worse then turn into cancer.

"Many people do not have to do a pap smear and cervical cancer detection later suffered and unfortunately it was too late to save his life," he said.

What is a pap smear Pap smear is also known as the Papanicolaou test created by Dr.. Georgios Papanikolaou (1883-1962).

Some tissue taken from the base of the cervix when the test was done and the tissue is sent to a laboratory to detect the abnormal tissue and potentially become cancerous.

Cervical cells usually do not turn into cancer cells overnight. Normal cells will change, over time, ranging from two to 10 years before becoming a cancer cell.

Pap smear regularly have the opportunity to detect potential cells become cancer cells and early treatment provides opportunities for us to heal.

During the procedure pap smear, the doctor can also detect polyps and infections.

Dr. Bright pap smear procedure. Paul, about five minutes it takes to undergo the test and it is not painful as it is often described only have a little discomfort.

The doctor will insert a speculum which is a device like a duck beak into the uterine route (through the vagina) and then put the brush 'cyto' into it.

Brush 'cyto' small is used to scrape some tissue on the cervix to rotate 360 ​​degrees, and the cells were placed in a special bottle and sent to the laboratory.

"If normal, she may repeat the Pap smear test again in the next one to two years and if not normal, then follow-up testing is required.

"We hope to detect early changes in the level of such lesions because the virus can turn into cancer within 10 years," he said.

He added that up to 80 percent of women infected with HPV will in their lives and it depends on whether the immunity it will remain and get worse or go away so easily.

Who needs a pap smear As described, the woman who had sex should undergo pap smear especially those aged 20 to 65 years every two years.

If the first test result is normal, women can be reduced to three years.

Pap smears should be done routinely because it could happen again in the period as long as there is sex.

An estimated four out of five sexually active women are infected with HPV during their lifetime even if they only have one or two pairs only.

More frightening when often no symptoms or signs of cervical cancer in the early stages of the period also able to treat them.

"Most at risk are those who have very active sex. In most western countries, these tests normal and about the campaign conducted in earnest," he said.

Strictly speaking, a woman in Malaysia to take the initiative to do pap smear as a precautionary measure.

Do not worry because it is relatively simple and it is done by a trained doctor!

source Utusan

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